International Express Service
IES was created in 1993 by François-Patrick SABATER, our CEO, in the Provencal site of Marseille.
IES has been expert in the distribution of raw materials for professionals in the cosmetic, fragrance and flavor industries.
The head office is in the Marseille area, in the city of Allauch. The distribution center and the administrative offices are located on this site. A sales team is also based in the Paris area, in Levallois-Perret. An office is also located in the United Arab Emirates in Dubai.

The History
Creation of IES
Distribution fragrance ingredients of Givaudan
Distribution flavors ingredients of Givaudan
Distribution of DSM Personal Care & Aroma Ingredients (PCA)
Distribution Jiangsu Xinrui Aromatics Ltd (Givaudan joint venture)
Expansion of the Givaudan Fragrance distribution in EMEA area
Distribution of MayFlower plant extracts
Distribution Albert Vieille F&F and Cosmetics
Distribution Ungerer & Company
Our values and our certifications
Our mission
Contribute to excellence in the production of perfumes, flavorings and cosmetics.
IES Ingredients cultivates a dynamic ecosystem to ensure long-term development. At the heart of this ecosystem, our suppliers stand out for their leadership both in the remarkable quality of their ingredients and their widely recognized CSR commitment. At the same time, we have also voluntarily and with conviction committed ourselves to a CSR approach. IES Ingredients intends to spread this commitment throughout its value chain and identify the major economic, environmental and social challenges of the future and devise solutions to meet them. We signed the United Nations Global Compact on May 10, 2019 and have renewed this commitment annually.
Since 2019, our CSR performance has been assessed by EcoVadis. For the third year running, IES Ingredients has been awarded platinum status, rising from 79 in 2023 to 82 this year. This places IES Ingredients in the top 1% of companies rated on their ethical practices and social and environmental performance. Our company’s approach to sustainable development and CSR is considered confirmed.
Our employees are involved on a daily basis to offer a responsive service and respond precisely to the requirements expressed by our stakeholders.
An e-mail address is available to all stakeholders to alert us to any violation of the code of conduct and any questions about our CSR approach:
Our values
IES has earned the trust of its clients by relying on three pillars:
IES Ingredients is first and foremost a team of dynamic and responsive employees whose aim is to do better every day for all of us. Our spirit of cohesion and our shared vision make our employees a high-performance team.
We listen to all our stakeholders to find the most appropriate solutions. We support our customers in the design and production of innovative, modern and trendy products.
Our company builds long-term relationships with our customers and suppliers while taking long-term action for the future of our planet! The commitment of our employees enables us to build a more united and responsible society.
Since November 2017, we have obtained ISO 9001 certification for the quality management system at our Allauch site in order to continuously improve customer satisfaction and to provide compliant products and services.
The distribution
IES is the partner of prestigious manufacturers who are leaders in their markets. We are the exclusive distributor of :
DSM Personal Care, France, Belgium, Luxembourg & Monaco
DSM Aroma Ingredients, France, Spain, Italy, Germany, Switzerland, Belgium, Netherlands, Luxembourg, Denmark, Latvia, Greece, Croatia, Ukraine, Russia, Turkey & Egypt
Givaudan Fragrances Ingredients, EMEA area (Europe, Middle East & Africa)
Givaudan Flavors Ingredients, France, Italy, Spain, Switzerland, Portugal, Turkey & United Arab Emirates
Albert Vieille SAS, EMEA area (Europe, Middle East & Africa)
Jiangsu Xinrui Aromatics Ltd, France, Belgium, Netherlands, Luxembourg, Spain & Italy.
Our distribution area :
Cosmetic ingredients :
France, Belgium, Luxembourg & Monaco
Fragrance ingredients :
EMEA area
Flavors ingredients :
EMEA area